art by ChE

“The People remembered the truth of their Being, that they are The People who fly! And they rose up in the air… spiraling up and up in counterclockwise rings shouting all the while. They rode those hot breezes like currents, singin’ and wingin’ their way to Freedom Land!”
—excerpt from F R E E D O M L A N D ’s Origin Folqtellin’

F R E E D O M L A N D i s a l i b e r a t o r y
( u n ) l e a r n i n g p l a t f o r m
offering decolonial healing justice rites-of-passages, coaching, and consulting services.
Our embodied commitment
We embody a commitment to alchemizing transgenerational impacts of oppression and stewarding liberatory worlds into being. We root in the healing technologies of our ancestors to decolonize the way we work, powerfully live our Freedom dreams, and cultivate movements of radical imagination.
Who we center
We center Queer+, Trans, Gender-nonconforming, Nonbinary, Intersex, Two Spirit+ Black and Indigenous People-of-Color. We work with value-based organizations, non-profits, grassroots collectives, schools, health institutions, emerging - seasoned businesses, movement organizers, artists, creative radicals, healing practitioners, and spiritual conjurers who are committed to collective liberation.
What we offer
Our core offerings include:
Somatic ancestral healing
Decolonial praxis
Transforming oppression
Leadership development
Circle facilitation
DEIA+Justice audits
Transforming oppression training
Program design
DEIA+J sacred strategic planning
Midwifing organizational rebirth
Equitable restructuring
Community Freedom Schools for unpacking oppression and embodying liberation
A biennial Cohort for QTBIPOC Worldbuilders to immerse for two years in the transdisciplinary, Intersectional Justice framework—Afro-Indigenous Liberatory Praxis
art by ChE
Our approach
We utilize a transdisciplinary Intersectional Justice approach known as:
Afro-Indigenous Liberatory Praxis (AILP)—an ancestrally-rooted equity organizing framework emerging from the deep knowing that just as Black is The Beginning, so too does healing transectional anti-Blackness and Indigeneity uproot interlocking systems of oppression. We ground Intersectional Justice in the body through ancestral technologies of circle-based facilitation, somatic ritual, socially-engaged artmaking, intergenerational storytelling, and deepening relationship with the land.
Afro-Indigenous Liberatory Praxis is rooted in radical movement traditions and theories-of-change led and imagined by lineages of QTGNC2-S+ BIPOC, some of which include:
Alternatives to ableism
Healing Justice
Queer Black & Indigenous Feminism
Indigenous Ecology
Afro-Indigenous Futurism
Liberatory praxis & pedagogy

“Working with ChE and the FREEDOM LAND Cohort is an essential part of how I have been able to step into the role of co-director of a movement organization. They have supported me in translating my way to functioning in a Liberatory Role administering a mid-size non-profit. The containers ChE creates have depth and spaciousness that allows for scrappy, nimbleness. I trust their grounding in Afro-Indigenous ways of being and how they have reflected my own practice for embodied centering that I can deepen and engage as I anchor our ship thru stormy times.”
— Wendi Autumn Moore-O’Neal (her-she), Co-Director of Southerner’s On New Ground, Founder of Jaliyah Consulting
“ChE’s facilitated conversations on equity, oppression, and liberation led to a personal and institutional transformation at our nonprofit, one that prioritizes staff well being. Their DEI consulting created space for staff trust building, visioning, and re-evaluation of our mission and values, that informed and strengthened our intentions. ChE is a gifted leader, facilitator, and consultant that I recommend to anyone looking to grow their freedom practices and advance equity and racial justice in their spaces.”
—Zerena Diaz (she/her) | Managing Director of CounterPulse
“Working with ChE [Founder of F R E E D O M L A N D] provided intuitive, spiritual, and practical guidance for liberating one's body and mind in the workplace. ChE is an excellent facilitator of worldly wisdom who effortlessly incorporates Afro-Indigenous praxis in a modern workplace setting. Through movement exercises, facilitated dialogue, and 1:1 coaching, ChE welcomes a new paradigm for collaborative productivity and digs into the essence of what it means to be free as a worker. Since working with ChE, CounterPulse has adopted self-care policies and radical honesty we previously could only dream of. Our employees are more intentional with how they hold their bodies and responsibilities while showing up in the spirit of collective care. I would highly recommend ChE for any organization or individual seeking to liberate their minds, bodies, and souls through this important work.”
— Justin Ebrahemi (he/they) | Director of Communications & Advancement, CounterPulse